How Computers Nearly Ended the World

January 03, 2024

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Y2K, or the Year 2000 bug, was a global concern as the world approached the turn of the millennium.

The issue stemmed from the widespread use of two-digit year codes in computer systems, which raised fears that the year 2000 would be misinterpreted as 1900, potentially causing widespread software failures.

This phenomenon was particularly worrisome in critical sectors like finance, utilities, and transportation, where computer systems played a pivotal role. As the countdown to the year 2000 began, governments, businesses, and individuals around the world undertook extensive efforts to identify and rectify potential Y2K vulnerabilities.

While the new millennium ultimately arrived without the catastrophic disruptions many had feared, the Y2K phenomenon remains a memorable moment in the history of technology and highlights the importance of proactive measures in addressing potential system vulnerabilities.

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